Mahikari Exposed

Thought Control in Mahikari

by Fiona
September 2001, last updated June 2010

  1. Introduction
  2. Behaviour Control
  3. Information Control
  4. Thought Control <
  5. Emotional Control

Thought Control

1. Need to internalize the group's doctrine as "Truth"

This was one of the main themes in the Primary Course. One of the first things the candidates are told is to throw out their old thinking, and embrace a new way of seeing the world. The analogy of a cup of tea is used - if there was some old tea (your current ideas) in the cup, you couldn't taste a delicious new tea (Mahikari teachings) properly could you? We were told to 'empty our tea cup' and prepare for the lovely new tea.

  1. Good vs. evil

    The fight of the Righteous Gods, headed by Su God, against the Evil Gods is a major theme in Mahikari. This battle is extended into members' lives, with the influences of attaching spirits and other invisible battles affecting them daily.

  2. Us vs. Them (inside vs. outside)

    There is a clear divide between members and non-members, those who have been 'been a chance' and the 'unenlightened' masses. The whole battle to be accepted and saved goes to new heights within the Dojo though, as there is no guarantee that just joining Mahikari is enough to save you as a "seed person" for the new civilisation to come.

    That will only be revealed when the 'Convulsion of Nature' occurs, and only those who are purified enough and have been of enough service to God will be saved. Members are constantly cautioned against assuming that they are doing well, or have been saved. They have to strive constantly, with uncertainty and anxiety about their status. To be a "seed person", members must go through hardships, or "spiritual cleansing".

    "Before you can find God's secret of the universe, I shall carry out the intensive spiritual cleansing (MISOGI) of the spirit and soul of God's children. Otherwise, I cannot use you as seed-people for the next world for establishing the Heavenly Civilisation. Such a time has come. (Even if science is developed by human souls who are spiritually adversed, contaminated and chaotic, they can use it only for selish love and evilness.) [Goseigen [The Holy Words], Warning to the Modern Age, English pg 157, Japanese pg 266]

    In daily life, members have many rituals which separate them from non-members, which constantly reinforce a clear divide. Only members will purify their groceries with True Light before putting them away, for example.

2. Adopt "loaded" language (characterized by "thought-terminating cliches"). Words are the tools we use to think with. These "special" words constrict rather than expand understanding. They function to reduce complexities of experience into trite, platitudinous "buzz words".

There are many of these "buzz words" used by members all the time, words such as "gratitude", "being sunao" (obedient), "cleansing", and "upstream" are just a few examples.

3. Only "good" and "proper" thoughts are encouraged.

"...negative mental states also generate toxic material within the body. Sukuinushisama taught that anger, hate, resentment, anxiety, nervousness and so on cause the formation of toxic products throughout the body." [Tebecis, pg 199]

4. Thought-stopping techniques (to shut down "reality testing" by stopping "negative" thoughts and allowing only "good" thoughts); rejection of rational analysis, critical thinking, constructive criticism.

  1. Chanting

    Amatsu Norigoto [Main World Prayer] is the main chant used in Mahikari . Members are told to chant it powerfully in dangerous situations, upsetting times, as well as before giving Light, at Ceremonies, in daily prayers and while purifying the environment. Some trainings, especially for youth, involve chanting the prayer non-stop for a long time, 20 or 30 minutes.

  2. Meditating

    Meditation is not permitted in Mahikari, as they say it opens one up to being possessed by spirits.

  3. Praying

    Prayers to God are encouraged every morning on waking up, and evening before bed, as well as every time members go to the Dojo, at Ceremonies, when they drive their car, and start or finish a session of True Light.

  4. Speaking in "tongues"

    During Spirit Investigations some people will speak in other languages, supposedly the speech of their attaching spirits. There are reports of young children speaking German (not their native tongue), or Australians speaking fluent Japanese, or even Latin. In my 14 years of experience I never heard this happen, and when I had spirit investigations, most responses were non-verbal (nodding, shaking the head etc). One time I did respond in Japanese, but it was with simple words that I already knew, like "Hai" for Yes.

  5. Singing or humming

    Not used particularly in Mahikari. Japanese Miuta [hymns] are sung at Ceremonies, but they are quite short. There is a longer prayer, called Choreii [The Songs of Consoling the Spirit] which is sometimes sung to people when they receive Light on the forehead, and might contribute to the semi-hypnotic state.

5. No critical questions about leader, doctrine, or policy seen as legitimate

The clearest sign of a member's sins and impurities, and disturbance by evil spirits, is for them to criticise Divine teachings, Sukuinushisama [the founder of Mahikari], Oshienushisama [the current leader], the staff at any Mahikari Dojo, Mahikari advice, or any Mahikari literature. This is stated in many places throughout Mahikari teachings, such as Goseigen (The book of holy words), Norigoto (the prayer book), monthly teachings, and the Primary Course Text Book.

"When there is some mistake in one's sonen [innermost attitude], that is, when EGO and CONCEIT appear without realising it, or when one falls into the condition where thorough, unconditional trust in the absoluteness of God begins to wane, one always either complains or becomes critical of Divine teachings. This makes a gap in the sonen. It becomes the person's weak point. That is the time the person will change into someone who can easily be attached by manipulating spirits. This is why we must always have the "MENTAL ATTITUDE TO FIGHT BACK THE SPIRIT (DISTURBANCE)"." [Extract from Teachings of Sukuinushisama, Pioneering the Age of Light & Gap in Sonen, given June 1986. Published in Mahikari Australia Journal, Volume 4, No 9, Sept 1986, pg 16]

"People often say, 'That's a money-making religion.' 'They're telling you only the good things. You are stupid.' 'You are being fooled.' 'It's your right to work, earn and spend as you like by yourself.' 'If God has great love, it's natural that He saves us.'

"These are the words of those who don't know clearly the difference between the wrong way and the true way, or the true God and an evil deity. Moreover these are the people who have never experienced anything mysterious. What a pity if you are wheedled by these people into going away from the entrance of Mahikari's house, the place of salvation of the supreme God (Su-God). That would mean leaving the gate to happiness and taking the road to hell by yourself. You would only have gotten a glimpse of the inside. Now please be careful, for this itself is the sign of the revival of disorders caused by evil spirits. [Mahikari Primary Kenshu Reference Textbook, Do Not Listen to Dangerous Words of Evil Deities, pg 84]

6. No alternative belief systems viewed as legitimate, good, or useful

According to Mahikari's view of world history, God permitted the development of the major world religions to put the brakes on mankind's degenerate behaviour. Mahikari calls them man-made 'brake religions' - this includes Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam. They have 'pseudo-true teachings', only part of the truth. The only group with all the answers is, of course, Sukyo Mahikari. The Sukyo part of their name means "Supra" as in above, or higher than. Mahikari says that all religions in history have compromised their teachings by adding human philosophy to them, and that modern religions have no relevance or power of salvation any more.

"All priests and people of Shinto, Buddhism and Christianity must return to the original teachings [Mahikari teachings], which existed in the days of Gautama and Jesus, who followed the Master God, SU. They must become disciples who are able to radiate the Light of MA (Truth). Otherwise, the day of Judgement and the End of the World shall come." [Goseigen [The Holy Words], The Age of Four A's, pg 191]

"The time which will come before humans find any counter-measure is called 'the End of the World'. Therefore, religions have come to an end and all mankind cannot but altogether choose the way of Tuning-in-with-God (Kamimuki) [Mahikari teachings]." [Goseigen Religious Belief and Mahikari's Path pg 140]

"If you had not come across this path, most of you would still be suffering from chronic diseases and continuing an impatient and uneasy life. The same thing can be said for your business enterprises." [Mahikari Primary Kenshu Reference Textbook, pg 80]

"Those who have an idea of being saved through faith in God and those who are trying to take leadership for salvation and reformation of the world, should [at] once accept this highest revelation in the human world before anything else." [Goseigen Introduction pg 8]

Last Modified: 13 July 2011