
Mahikari, Mu and the Emperor of Japan

by Steve Allerton - July 1999

It has now been almost three years since leaving Sukyo Mahikari, and I still find it amusing that the leadership of Mahikari denies any connection with the Emperor of Japan. Recently I was sent a book written by Brian McVeigh, called Spirits, Selves and Subjectivity in a Japanese New Religion, which stirred up my interest in the Mahikari denial.

In an article called 'Seeking to Create a Better World' in The Canberra Times - Friday March 7 1997, Andris Tebecis the director of Sukyo Mahikari in Australia said, "Sukyo Mahikari is not based on the concept of the Japanese Emperor being the supreme ruler of the world."

I disagree with him and find it strange for him to deny what his religion Mahikari teaches. We have both attended the same Mahikari Seminars where these teachings were taught. I will address these teachings through out this article.

First, I would like to deal with the quote he made in The Canberra Times, on July 18th 1999.

"The origin of the earth is one, the origin of the world is one and the origin of all the religions is one."

To do this we need to look at the core foundation of Mahikari: Shintoism. Following is a Shinto story of creation, Mahikari expands this story into so called divine (God inspired) teachings and then declares them as the true history of the world.

Shinto: Story of creation and the origin of the human race and the first Japanese Emperor:

In the beginning heaven and earth, positive and negative, were not separated but formed a chaotic egg shaped mass. Eventually heaven and earth separated, and a kind of reed shoot grew, uniting them. The reed shoot was transformed into a god, Kunitokotachi-no-Mikoto, "the one who established the land-eternal." Six generations later Izanagi, "the male who invites" and Izanami, "the female who invites" were spontaneously generated. They descended to earth and gave birth to the islands of Japan and numerous deities. Izanami died in the process of giving birth to fire. Izanagi followed her into the region of darkness, death and putrefaction. He realized that "having gone to a hideous and filthy place, it is meet that I should cleanse my body from its pollution." A whole new generation of deities emerged from the clothes he discarded and the parts of his body he washed to purify himself, among them was Amaterasu (from his left eye) and the Moon God (from his right eye) who in turn produced another series of divinities, eventually resulting in Ninigi (Amaterasu's grandson), the father of Jimmu, the first emperor of Japan.


With the Shinto account the actual descent or creation of the human race is left completely vague, except for the assurance that the people of the Japanese islands (located at the centre of the earth) are more directly related to the gods than the rest of humanity.

However in Secondary and Advanced Mahikari training lectures, Mahikari members are introduced to the 'Divine Truth - the correct history of the world' in detail. I would like to repeat that Andris Tebecis and I attended the same lectures both in Australia and Japan.

This is the source of Andris Tebecis statement: 'The origin of the earth is one, the origin of the world is one and the origin of all the religions is one.'

Winston Davis in his book Dojo - Magic and Exorcism in Modern Japan and also Brian McVeigh's book Spirits, Selves and Subjectivity in a Japanese New Religion overview these teachings and they concur with my own notes and textbooks. Davis uses the word Mioshie for Mahikari divine teachings and Saviour refers to Yoshikazu Okada the founder of Mahikari.

Davis (1980-p67-69), McVeigh (1997-p73-74)

According to Mioshie, Japan was once part of a continent called Mu, which now lies hidden beneath the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Japan, the oldest country in the world, will once again become the spiritual centre of the human race.

In ancient times, dinosaurs swaggered about Japan; others, the size of an American F-4 fighter jet, darkened the skies. (These winged monsters were a manifestation of the dragon god, Ryujin, discussed in the next chapter.) "Ancient documents" reveal that thousands of these creatures died at the foot of Mount Tsukuba during the great geological cataclysm that took place in Japan 100, 000,000 - 100, 050, 000 years ago. At that time, lava flows covered their bones, so that today the Japanese have no dinosaur skeletons of their own to put in museums. In those days, Japan also boasted mountains that were higher than the Himalayas or the Alps. As the glaciers of the Ice Age moved down over Mu, elephants and other animals, including man, migrated to the south where the weather was less severe. The South Sea Islanders are the descendants of these migrants. The Saviour maintained that the "academic theory" that the Japanese are the descendants of these southern peoples is an out-and-out lie.

According to the Saviour's research and revelations, Mu was a landmass extending from Japan to Easter Island in the south and to Hawaii in the east. From east to west it measured 5,000 miles, and from north to south 3,000. It was in Mu, or ancient Japan, that Su-god first drew up the spiritual "blueprints" (hinagata) that he used for the creation of the human race. In order to fulfill various functions, the first humans were created in five different colors: yellow, red, white, blue-green, and purple. The colored stripes on the Mahikari banner carried at all festivals are a reminder of the Five Colored Races of these five original races, the yellow was dominant. To be more accurate, the Japanese were dominant; the Chinese and Koreans, the lesser yellow races, were of a lower rank -- but no quite as low as the other four.

Ancient Japan was the site of an enormously advanced civilization that ruled over the entire globe. In order to communicate with human beings, Su-god sent his descendant Sumera Mikoto to rule as emperor and high priest over the Japanese. Under his rule, the 2,400 different kinds of letters used by the peoples of Mu were invented. These "letters of the divine age" (kamiyomoji or shindai moji) were the origin of all the ideographs, syllabaries, and alphabets in use today. Thus all the languages of the human race originated in Japan.

Sumera Mikoto, to hold together his far-flung empire, dispatched fifteen Japanese princes and one princess to various parts of the world. The most illustrious were put in charge of the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and the Incan and Canadian empires. This divine nobility -- confused by the Chinese with the sixteen disciples of the Buddha -- first taught mankind how to hunt, fish, build ships, weave cloth, and make paper.

Relics of the ancient civilizations they established, Mioshie tells us, yield valuable insights into the life of the peoples of Motherland Mu. For example, in Egypt the chrysanthemum, symbol of the Japanese prince Tutankhamen (and still the flower of the Japanese imperial family) has been found, together with many artifacts from Japan that he deposited in the pyramids. These pyramids were in fact monuments set up to honor his "stem family" in Japan. The Savior taught that the pyramids were first built in Japan. This can be seen, he said, from the etymology of the word piramido, which should be written with the characters "sun-coming-spirit-hall." According to Mioshie, the ancient name for Japan, Yamato, means "nation at the top of the pyramid."

In Summary:

These points are taken from hand written notes from Secondary and Advanced Mahikari training lectures. They confirm Davis and McVeigh writings.

1. Japan is the oldest country on earth.
2. Japan was once the spiritual centre of humankind and will be again.
3. The first humans were created in five different colors: yellow, red, white, blue-green, and purple in ancient Japan.
4. Ancient Japan was the site of an enormously advanced civilization that ruled over the entire globe.
5. Su-god sent his descendant Sumera Mikoto to rule as emperor and high priest.
6. All the languages and writing of the human race originated in Japan.
"It is not true that there was no system of writing in ancient Japan. Nor is it true that no ideograms originated in Japan. It is not true that ideograms were first brought to Japan during the reign of the Emperor Ojin." - Okada.
(Mahikari Advanced Kenshu Reference Textbook. 1989 p3)
7. Sumera Mikoto dispatched fifteen Japanese princes and one princess to various parts of the world. This is how the countries were named.
8. The ancient name for Japan, Yamato, means "nation at the top of the pyramid."
Also the meanings of Nihon (Japan) are Hi no Motosukuni- Land of the origin of the Sun/ Land of the origin of the positive spirit/Land of the origin of the spirit.
9. Tutankhamen was a Japanese prince and the pyramids of Egypt were built to honour the Japanese Imperial Family.

Davis (1980-p67-69), McVeigh (1997-p73-74)

The inhabitants of Mu originally worshiped one god called the Heavenly King, but, not daring to use his real name, they referred to him simply as Kami, or God. Open-air temples made of stone were built to worship this deity and his symbol, the sun. In addition to the chrysanthemum, the pyramids, and the sun, the official symbols of ancient Japan were the cross, the snake, the swastika (a symbol of the 'order of the universe"), and a three-cornered crown. The scriptures of Mu, which were carried by colonists to all parts of the world, later showed up in Polynesian legends, in Chinese texts, and in the writings of Plato. The Old Testament is a Hebrew translation by the Japanese prince Moses of Zoroaster's Zend-Avesta. The Zoroastrian scriptures were originally brought to the ancient Near East from Mu by way of India and Burma.

According to Mioshie, Israel and Japan have always had a close relationship. "Records" still preserved in Japan show that Moses once visited Japan in his capacity as king of the Jews appointed by Japan's ninety-fourth emperor. The Koso Kotai Shrine in Ibaraki Prefecture has preserved a stone on which Moses engraved the Ten Commandments. The Hebrew language was a gift of the Japanese emperor to the Jewish people. Documents owned by the same shrine prove that Jesus Christ came to Japan at the age of eighteen in order to study and perform austerities. At twenty-three he returned to his own country with a seal of kingship conferred on him by Emperor Suinin. A picture in the shrine shows him wearing a robe with three imperial chrysanthemums embroidered on the front. Once back in Israel, Jesus got into trouble and just barely escaped crucifixion: his younger brother was executed in his place. After this narrow escape, Jesus returned to Japan, where he died at the age of one hundred and eighteen. A statue that he made of out of the bones of Mary and Joseph is still in the possession of the shrine.

Okada Kotama also believed that the original Hebrews were called Eda (branch) peoples, a Japanese word from which we get the word Jew. The word Israel comes from a corruption of Isuzu, the sacred river that flows through the Ise shrines in Japan's Mie Prefecture. Once, when some of the Jews returned to Japan, the country's rulers declared that they could not intermarry with the local inhabitants. The Tokugawa family in particular was afraid that if a Jewish emperor were to come to power in Japan, the shogunate's authority would be shaken. This political discrimination was the origin of the Eta (Eda), Japan's outcastes.

Under the hegemony of ancient Japan, Mu flourished. Shrine records show that Moses and Jesus, but also Mohammed, Confucius, Mencius, Lao-tzu, and the Buddha all visited Japan. The Buddha, for example, came to the country at the age of fifty-two and was enlightened when he met the Sun God. To understand the teachings of the Buddha one must therefore first master Japan's Kannagara no michi (that is, Shinto).

In Summary:
10. The Old Testament is a Hebrew translation by the Japanese prince Moses of Zoroaster's Zend Avesta.
11. Moses was appointed king of the Jews by Japan's ninety-fourth emperor.
12. The Ten Commandments come from Japan.
13. The Hebrew language was a gift of the Japanese emperor to the Jewish people.
14. The Japanese Emperor Suinin made Jesus Christ King of the Jews.
15. Jesus didn't die on the cross, he always worshiped his brother who died on the cross.
Jesus returned to Japan, where he died at the age of one hundred and eighteen.
16. The name Jew was originally a Japanese word Eta. Also the name Israel comes from 'Isuzu', the name of the sacred river that flows through the Ise shrines in Japan's Mie Prefecture.
17. The Eta (Eda), Japan's outcastes were originally Jewish immigrants to Japan.
18. Mohammed, Confucius, Mencius, Lao-tzu, and the Buddha all visited Japan.
20. All American Indians have Japanese ancestors.
21. The Garden of Eden was found in Japan.
22. China destroyed many treasures of Japan in order to spread Buddhism and will have to be punished.

McVeigh (1997-p74-75);
The inhabitants of Mu became arrogant and materialistic, and the moon deities who emphasized the desirous, materialistic aspect of existence came into ascendancy. Nuclear warfare broke out between Mu and the other great continent of Atlantis. Ignoring various cataclysms sent by Su God as warnings, the wonderful continent of Mu was destroyed in a series of natural catastrophes. This occurred about 15,000 years ago. Nevertheless, human kind has not learned its lesson. So Su God has unleashed the baptism of Fire which, unless we change our hearts, threatens to completely destroy us. It is the mission of the Japanese to reunite the Five Races and restore the Japanese emperor to his rightful place as the earthly representative of Su God. This is why the *Mahikari gave extensive coverage to *Oshienushisama's attendance at the emperor's funeral in February 1989. Her presence at such a historical event is only natural since like the emperor she is thought of as Su God's representative on earth.*(Japanese Mahikari magazine), *(Kouko Okada- Mahikari's present supreme leader)

The following quotes are from Ms. Kouko Okada (called Oshienushisama (holy teacher) by Mahikari members), There is no doubt that she regards the Emperor of Japan as a God:

Now, in Japan the 'Name of the Era' is used in addition to the Christian [system]. At present it is only in my country that uses the name of eras, so naturally, in various countries of the world, [people] are not familiar with the meanings.

Therefore, I want to expand on this as follows. The naming of era's in my country has a history of 1,300 years, since the Nara period [710-784 AD]. After the Meiji Imperial Restoration [1887-1868], every time there is a new Sumeramikoto*, whose lineage continues unchanged forever, a new name is given for the era. In other words, it has been 'A new era name' for each [Emperor's Reign].
*Refers to the Emperor of Japan. Details given in advanced kenshu. - (See above notes)
(Mahikari Australia Journal Vol.7 No.5 May 1989-p2.).

"My most ardent wish is that in order to achieve the Divine plan, *yokoshi all over the world will promote the spread of *Divine truth and the correct path with the power of love and harmony, stemming from unity. On the Twelfth Day of this month the enthronement ceremony of His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor, Sumeramikoto will be held in Japan".
(Mahikari Australia Journal Vol.8 No.12 May 1990-p8.).
*Yokoshi = Mahikari members.
*Divine truth = Mahikari teachings.

>"To begin with, the fact that there are separate countries in itself is not proper. In ancient ages, there were no such things as countries. That's all there was to it. When you look at the country of Japan, there is no such thing as the beginning of that country or its establishment as a country. It was simply that once there was a 'Land of God' and mankind was created there and then dispatched around the world. Nothing else. However, the people who we re dispatched devised such things as countries without knowing the plan of God. Then invasion after invasion occurred.

In fact, mankind of the five different skin colours has no option but to return to the condition as it once was in the age of the Gods. If anyone is to work in the peace movement, he needs to work on removing the borders of countries. Furthermore, the only way to achieve [peace] is to spread the great, virtuous politics by the *direct descendant of God, centering on where he resides, just as it was in the age of the Gods".
(Mahikari Australia Journal Vol.10 No.2 Feb 1992-p10.)
*Emperor of Japan

In brief (my notes):
23. Ms. Kouko Okada uses the divine name or god name Sumeramikoto to refer to the new Emperor Akihito and the naming of a new era Heisei.
24. She is teaching her Mahikari followers that they have no choice but to return the world back to how it was in the land of Mu, when the Japanese Emperor was the Emperor of the whole world. Only then can the world be at peace.

There is no doubt for long term Mahikari members particularly those who have done all three levels of Mahikari training, that the role of the Emperor of Japan is of vital importance to the successful fruition of Mahikari's Divine plan. If the importance has been lost to Andris Tebecis as the head of Mahikari in Australia then he is out of step with his Japanese colleagues and ultimately his spiritual leader.

McVeigh writes (1997.p156);
As previously mentioned in relation to Mahikari's cosmology, the emperor plays an important role. The leaders of Mahikari make efforts to educate *kamikumite about the role and at the same time seek public exposure for their devotion to the emperor. This was clearly seen on the day of the Enthronement Ceremony (Sokui no rei) held on November 12, 1990, the Emperor Heisei. Thousands of kamikumite from Tokyo dojos gathered along the parade route, efficiently directed and marshaled by Mahikari officials outfitted with communication equipment in tandem with security forces. Members, given small flags of the rising sun (Hi no maru), were checked and incessantly reminded to wear their Mahikari pins by squad leaders and officials as they waited for the procession to pass by. In an apparent attempt to use the mass of assembled kamikumite as a public relations event, the officials, rushing here and there, repeatedly told members to make sure their pins were clearly visible.
*Kamikumite = Mahikari member.

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Education and Mahikari Youth:

The Mahikari pin or badge, represents much of has been written so far. It can be found on Mahikari buildings, monuments and adorns the top of the 45 meter tall Mahikari pyramid in Japan. The divine crest is of the sun race, the ancient Japanese, later it was given by Japan's ninety-fourth emperor to Moses, who Mahikari claim was a Japanese prince.


The gold centre represents god at the top of the divine world, the sixteen lines going out to the smaller golden disks represent the 15 princes and princess that the original Japanese Emperor Sumeramikoto sent out to incorporate the world. The 16-petal chrysanthemum shape also represents the Imperial emblem of Japan. The red vertical is yang fire god male heaven and the blue horizontal line is human water female, earth. The white stands for the astral world and the green for the present world.

There can only be one conclusion; Mahikari is working toward the day when the Japanese Emperor will once again take his rightful place in their concept of the correct Government of the world. A spiritual - theocratic dictatorship. Democracy is demonized in Mahikari.

Mahikari teaches that the Emperor of Japan is a living god.

Also in the Canberra Times - Friday March 7 1997. Andris Tebecis said "Some Mahikari educators have been able to introduce high-level values to the curriculums of a number of primary and high schools in both Australia and New Zealand".

Also in the West Australian - Perth Saturday October 18 1997

"One of the things we are striving to achieve is to make an international headquarters in Canberra, the ACT," Dr Tebecis said.

"We've got a block of land given by the Government for this and that is recognized as a non-denominational religious institution. It is also an educational institution and also a community organisation."
Catholic and Anglican ministers and a Jewish rabbi in Melbourne were members, he said.
The group had also helped to change the curriculum in some Australian and New Zealand schools.
"One of our members there (in New Zealand) has implemented or helped implement a spiritual aspect in the curriculum for schools and also universities nationwide," Dr Tebecis said.


Ian Buruma, The Wages of Guilt (1994-p200) wrote: In 1991, the old imperial hymn, Kimigayo, and the rising sun flag, despite some vehement protest from leftists and liberals, were officially declared to be national symbols of Japan. This decision came not through legislation but in the form of a guideline issued by the Ministry of Education in approving the revised textbooks, which included for the first time since the war, favorable passages about Japanese military heroes. And at least one school, the Nichidai Matsue High School, had unofficially revived the Imperial rescript. Its headmaster, Okazaki Isao, insisted that the Rescript be read out loud every morning, since it was the best text to make you Japanese with true Japanese spirit.

The headmaster Buruma mentioned, Okazaki Isao is also featured in Mahikari publications; he is an honoured Mahikari member.

Both houses in the Japanese Diet invalidated the Imperial Rescript in 1947 and 1948. For 60 years, it was used to generate the national 'virtues ' such as self sacrifice to the state, military discipline, ancestor worship, to guard and maintain the prosperity of The Imperial Throne and to resurrect military heroes as cardinal models to follow.

Following is the Imperial Rescript on Education in Japanese.

Imperial Rescript

English Translation of the Imperial Rescript on Education

Know ye, Our subjects;
Our Imperial Ancestors have founded Our Empire on a basis broad and everlasting and have deeply and firmly implanted virtue; our subjects ever united in loyalty and filial piety have from generation to generation illustrated the beauty thereof. This is the glory of the fundamental character of Our Empire, and herein also lies the source of our education. Ye, Our subjects, be filial to your parents, affectionate to your brothers and sisters; as husbands and wives be harmonious, as friends true; bear yourselves in modesty and moderation; extend your benevolence to all; pursue learning and cultivate arts, and thereby develop int ellectual faculties and perfect moral powers; furthermore advance public good and promote common interests; always respect the Constitution and observe the laws; should emergency arise, offer yourselves courageously to the State; and thus guard and maintain the prosperity of Our Imperial Throne coeval with heaven and earth. So shall ye not only be our good and faithful subjects, but render illustrious the best traditions of your forefathers. The Way here set forth is indeed the teaching bequeathed by Our Imperial Ancestors, to be observed alike by Their Descendants and the subjects, infallible for all ages and true in all places. It is Our wish to lay it to heart in all reverence, in common with you, Our subjects, that we may thus attain to the same virtue.
The 30th day of the 10th month of the 23rd year of Meiji.
(October 30, 1890).
(Imperial Sign Manual. Imperial Seal).

Young people from Mahikari Asia region came the Canberra Mahikari centre to prepare before going to the Mahikari teacher training school called Kunrenbu in Japan. These young people were generally well educated and had to learn Japanese. Part of their orientation to fit into the Mahikari education system was to learn to recite the Imperial rescript in Japanese. I have a copy of the training notes given to these young people, my wife taught them.

When they had completed their training in Canberra they were required to recite the Imperial Rescript in front of Andris Tebecis so he could determine if they were eligible to go to Japan for further training. The fact that these young people were Australian, South African, Malaysian nationals, was irrelevant as long as they conformed to the education policy of Mahikari. Once reaching Japan and starting their teacher training, the boys heads were shaved and all students both Japanese and foreign nationals were required to rise before dawn so they could sing the Japanese National anthem as the sun rose.

These non-Japanese students and all non-Japanese Mahikari members represent the four skin coloured races returning to the fold. Back to the origin of all religions, back to the origin of humankind, back to the land of the origin of spirit - the golden race, the king race -Japan and the Japanese Emperor, who Mahikari call Sumermikoto (God).

The Mahikari Saviour, Okada, and the present leader his adopted daughter and Andris Tebecis all teach as the true history of the world : The age of the gods existed in a place called Mu or ancient Japan. Another name they use for Mu, is Lemuria. When Lemuria sank the Japanese archipelago was the only part to remain above sea level which makes Japan the oldest country in the world.

origins of the five great races according to Mahikari

Map showing the origin of the five great civilizations and their development. (Mahikari Advanced Kenshu Reference Textbook. 1989 Chapter 7)

The five great civilizations and the five great religions all originated in Hinomotosukuni (later known as Japan). Thus, the need to rewrite world history is very urgent. - Okada.
(Mahikari Intermediate Kenshu Reference Textbook. 1989 p29)

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Following is an alternative view on Mu or Lemuria, Mahikari's ancient Japan.
by Paul V. Heinrich

The Birth of Lemuria

The concept of Lemuria was born in the 1860s and 1870s, when a group of British geologists noted the striking similarity between fossils and sedimentary strata found in India and South Africa. Geologists like Stow and Blanford in India and Griesbach in Africa noted that strata of Permian age, about (245 to 286 million years ago) in India, South Africa, South America, and Australia were almost identical in the type of sedimentary rocks, e.g. numerous coal beds. In addition, these strata on these continents contained the identical fossils of land plants, e.g. cordaites and "Glossopteris," and land animals, e.g. Therapsids. Because such land plants and animals could not have crossed the open sea and continents were thought to be immobile, these geologists explained the presence of identical fossil plants and animals on India, Africa, South America, and Australia by postulating the existence of land bridges and even whole continents that had long since sunk beneath the oceans. In one case, they postulated the existence a large land bridge that once connected India and South Africa. In the "Erdegeschichte" (1887) of Neumayr, this hypothetical land bridge was called "Indo-Madagascan Peninsula" (de Camp 1954).

Ernest Heinrich Haekel, a strong advocate of the evolutionary theory of Darwin like Thomas Huxley, found this proposed land bridge of "Indo-Madagascan Peninsula" useful in explaining the distribution of animals. Haekel used it to explain the distribution of lemurs in Africa, India, Madagascar, and Malaya Peninsula. He proposed that this hypothetical land-bridge had stayed above water long enough for it to have served as the means by which lemurs spread into these areas. The English biologist, Philip L. Scalter, named this land bridge "Lemuria" because of this hypothesized association with lemurs. Thus, Lemuria was neither named nor conceived of or by prehistoric people, but by geologists and biologists in the 1800s (de Camp 1954). When plate tectonics or some other equally prosaic theories clearly explained the distribution of strata, fossils, and lemurs, it became clear that Lemuria and other such continents and land bridges never really existed, e.g. Wicander and Monroe (1989).

The Reincarnation of Lemuria.
Lemuria was reincarnated as a lost continent by Madame Blavatsky, the greatest of the modern occultists. Madame Blavatsky incorporated this concept of Lemuria, in a confused form, together with Atlantis and a bizarre mixture of scientific, occult, and Hindu religious material, including the "Rig-Veda," in her book, "The Secret Doctrine." In this book, Lemuria became a lost continent, although still in the Indian Ocean, populated by ape-like hermaphroditic egg-laying creatures. Later writers of occult, lost-continent tales, e.g. Annie Besant and W. Scott-Elliot, added their own detail and embellishment to the story of Lemuria, including dinosaurs and 12- to 15-foot bronze humanoids. The final event in the reincarnation of Lemuria occurred when writers of occult books moved the location of Lemuria from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean (de Camp 1954). Since then, mystics and psychics have written innumerable books about Lemuria, and either tuned into the spiritual essence and vibrations, or channeled for the spirits of long-departed Lemurians who never existed to begin with.

When the theory of continental drift was developed, people realized that it and other more prosaic theories explained the distribution of animals, fossils, and plants better then lost continents. As a result, Lemuria was allowed to fade away into obscurity, while eclipsed by more realistic theories long before there were GEOSAT and SEASAT satellite data to demonstrate the fictional nature of Lemuria.

(For the original story read: de Camp, S. L. "Lost Continents: The Atlantis Theme in History, Science, and Literature." New York: Gnome Press, Inc.,1954.
Other references: Wicander, R. and Monroe, J. S. "Historical Geology: Evolution of the Earth and Life Through Time." New York: West Publishing Company, 1989.)

Relics from Mu?:

In 1985 I attended Advanced Kenshu (training) in Japan for the second time, displayed at the front were what appeared old relics, broken pottery and stone with relief patterns and a brass looking object. The lecturer claimed these were found by the Holy Master (Okada) and were from the Continent of Mu. The person sitting next to me at the lecture was Andris Tebecis; I asked him if carbon dating or any method to verify the age of the objects had been used. His reply to me was "the Holy Master found them." I didn't get the chance to ask him more questions, he moved to another seat. I got the distinct impression I was not supposed to ask questions. If the holy Master, Su Gods representative on earth said the objects were from Mu then they were from Mu!

Advanced Kenshu in Japan

After all these years I can now finally feel at peace, the objects I saw back in 1985, couldn't have been from Mu. If they were, the interest worldwide would be bigger than the discovery by Heinrich Schliemann of Troy. The Mahikari organisation would not pass up the opportunity to present the proof that Okada was the most credible authority of the true world history.

If Mahikari could offer substance to claims that the origin of the world as one, the origin of the earth is one and origin of mankind is one, they may have a chance of being accepted, even by the most ardent of skeptics.

One of the main sources of Okada's account of the true history of the world is found in the books written by Colonel James Churchward. Who wrote several books about Mu and in the Mahikari Advanced Kenshu Reference Textbook. 1989, Okada devotes Chapter 4 to selected passages from 'The Lost Continent of Mu'. 1950.

Young People at Risk:

The Mahikari youth wear a badge or pin that represents the symbol of the sacred four; it holds the key to the movements and workings of the universe (Ch 4.p14). On their uniform sleeves and blazer breast pockets, they wear the emblem of the Royal Escutcheon of Mu.

The Royal Escutcheon of Mu tells us that all mankind on earth were under her rule. (Ch 4.p20).

From Churchwards book
Mahikari Youth Uniform From Churchwards book

As we learnt earlier Su-god sent his descendant Sumera Mikoto (Japanese Emperor) to rule as emperor of Mu.

Once again, an imperial link is established to the young people of Mahikari. The youth of Mahikari are the army of Sumeramikoto.

Davis writes (1980 p.80-p83).

For example, let us take the story of the sunken continent. This is a theme popular among occult groups in the West, from the Rosicrucians to the Theosophists. The sunken continent is generally pictured as Eden, the Gardens of the Hesperides, or the Elysian fields. It was a primordial paradise and the original home of all later civilizations, material and spiritual cultures, alphabets, and races.
As such, it has easily become -- as in Mahikari -- a prototype for the paradisal civilization of the future. In contrast to scientific archeology, which views man's history as a "rise' from a pre-civilized to a civilized state, the theosophical myths of the sunken continent tend to treat man's present condition as a degeneration of past civilizations.
The Saviour's primary source of information in these matters was the Anglo-American writer of historical fiction (or better, fictitious histories) Colonel James Churchward. Churchward's evidence for conditions in Mu came from such venerable sources as the Easter Island Tablets, Indian and Mayan Records, the Naacal Tablets, the Traoano Manuscript, and the Lhasa Record, and from other evidence preserved "in Certain Monasteries in India and Tibet whose names are withheld by request." That Churchward could decipher all of these "ancient records" is explained by his unique method for learning languages. He simply stared at words for a long time and let their meaning emerge in his inner consciousness.

Many of the ideas Okada wove into Churchward's account of Mu were taken from the "records" and "antiquities" said to be preserved by the Takenouch family in a shrine in Ibaraki Prefecture. This information has been set forth by Yamane Kiku in a book called The Authentic History of the World Secreted Away in Japan. It is from this book -- which the Saviour regarded as the last word on ancient history - that we learn that Jesus died in Japan, and that nearly all the other saints and holy men of the world at least visited the country.

The same book was one of the sources for Okada's idea that writing was discovered in Japan. I might add that the "letters of the divine age" (Shindaimoji) were actually a bogus idea popular among Shinto nativists in the Tokugawa period, for example, in Hirata Atsutane's Jinji nichibunden and Ochiai Naozumi's Nihon kodai monjiko.
Ban Nobutomo (1775 -1846), however, disputed the authenticity of these characters, and by the turn of the twentieth century nearly all Japanese scholars had ceased to believe in them. In the ultra-nationalist period preceding World War II, the shindai-moji regained their popularity, especially in such patriotic and military circles as the Rikugun Shikan Gakko, where the Savior was educated. The real significance of these letters was ideological. Modern linguists are convinced that the shindaijoji were merely fabrications designed to compensate for the Japanese sense of inferiority vis-à-vis the language and literature of China and were part of a nationalistic idealization of ancient Japan. As such, they are another example of the nativism that runs through Mahikari's gospel.

As Davis mentions, Okada has taken much information from literature most of which does not stand up to any critical research. After compiling his research into Mahikari training textbooks, song books and a Mahikari bible, Okada puts the seal of a Japanese God on them to give them a divine origin.

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The Australian tax payer helps promote Mahikari:

In an article in the Canberra Times by Journalist David McLennan on July 18th 1999, Andris Tebecis makes the statement " The organisation tried to help create a better world by improving standards of life, and was recognized by the Federal Government as an educational organisation".

A concern I have, is for the wider community. It is one thing for Andris Tebecis to declare the teachings of Okada and his daughter as the divine truth and promote it. But to make the claim it has been recognized by the Australian Federal Government is another matter.

Anyone can set up a religion in Australia all they have to do is satisfy the Australian Tax Department;Tax Ruling TR. 92/17

5. A body is a 'religious institution' if it is instituted for religious purposes. For a body to be regarded as a religious institution:

(a) its objects and activities must reflect its character as a body instituted for the promotion of some religious object; and

(b) the beliefs and practices of the members of that body must constitute a religion.

6. The two most important factors for determining whether a particular set of beliefs and practices constitute a religion are:

(a) belief in a supernatural Being, Thing or Principle; and (b) acceptance of canons of conduct which give effect to that belief, but which do not offend against the ordinary laws.

Because Mahikari conforms to this criteria in principal, the Australian tax payer unwittingly provides the financial support for Mahikari to build a multi million dollar headquarters in The Australian Capital, Canberra and will support the building of a multi million dollar school and accommodation buildings in the future. Although the money is collected from the members the 'donations' attract tax exemption for the members.


Mahikari: High risk to children:

I find it a curious contradiction that the controversial British historian David Irving has been banned from coming to Australia. His visas were refused on the basis that Mr Irving was not of good character. He holds radical views on events of the second world war regarding the Jews.

Yet Mahikari intends building a school to teach their true history of the world to children. If they remain faithful to their saviours teachings, the Jewish nation was originally Japanese and Moses was a Japanese Prince, the Hebrew language and the star of David was a gift from a Japanese emperor and it was their Karma to be persecuted through out history.

I think this stuff is more radical than David Irving views. Yet it is taught to Australians as the true history of the world when they join Mahikari.

I think the Government Ministers of Education in both countries should be asking what these high-levels values are and is the doctrine of Mahikari in the best interest of the wider community. We are given the choice to see movies with a range of classifications from 'G' General viewing to 'PG' Parental Guidance to 'R' Restricted. Maybe it is time to look at the effect of groups like Mahikari on our youth and give it a rating of 'R' Restricted to persons over the age of eighteen.

It hard enough for adults to suffer the process of deprogramming and brain washing when they leave Mahikari, the effect on kids who have been brought up in the Mahikari environment particularly a Mahikari school can only compound the suffering when eventually faced with actual historical events documented through the passage of time. The youngest a child can become a full Mahikari member is 10 years old. How can a 10 year old can know what is fact and fantasy, Mahikari's fantasy is presented as fact. This type of problem can be researched in publications from cult experts who have studied cult techniques over many years.

I find myself with a moral dilemma, I hold freedom of speech as a democratic right and believe that Australia is one of the most tolerant nations in the world. However, it disturbs me to see a so called religion bend the minds of the youth of our country with such a distorted ideals. As an adult I take full responsibility for my decision to join Mahikari in 1982, on reflection I am acutely embarrassed now. But I feel kids caught up in the Mahikari mind set are much more vulnerable than I was.

I was so convinced that Mahikari had all the answers, I had an edge to to survive the end of the world, I was a mini Jesus radiating spiritual power from my hands. In a way, by writing about Mahikari now I am trying to address the mistake of putting part of my brain to sleep for 14 years. At the same time voice concern from an intimate knowledge of the organisation.

Many young people who come into Mahikari don't have the advantage I had of coming into into Mahikari at 28, they absorb the Mahikari teachings presented as facts and the methods used to present the 'facts' come across as plausible and believable. Mahikari youth are given strict instruction from Ms Kouko Okada as the spiritual head of Mahikari not to listen to any information or believe anything unless it is first cleared by her. A rule of thumb is, if anything is said which is critical of Mahikari then it is the work of evil spirits, or the evil gods who want to destroy the one true religion.

Atlantis, Mu and Aliens.

Following is part of a transcript of the Mahikari Saviour's words from a taped message, given at the Beginning of the month Ceremony, June 6, 1985 at Suza, Takayama, Japan.

The continents of Atlantis and Mu once fought a horrible, massive war even using atomic-hydrogen bombs. Furthermore, there have been battles between the spirits of Venus and other planets, and humans with physical bodies in this world.

Thus, those of the spiritual lineage's that lost such battles have come to hold extremely strong resentment spiritually towards present humankind. To tell you the truth, it is also such spirits who are attached to today's human beings, in great numbers.

There are times when attaching spirits do not leave people's bodies even with the power of God over a long time. And to tell you the reason for this, to a certain degree it is because in fact battles between the spiritual lineage's concerning the rise and fall in actual humankind's history are still continuing even at this very time.

Now, the spirits who have extreme hatred and resentment against present mankind's building a world of happiness unite themselves as one body. In other words, they take action in a very organised manner.

Furthermore, such spirits, even from other planets, mingle among today's humans, having transmigrated into human beings.

As an example, people from the Atlantis civilisation, which was destroyed by the continent of Mu, are not only attached ( as spirits ) to today's people, but in fact, have reincarnated as people in this world. Adding even more, spirits with hatred attach to such beings 'en masse' and create an even more horrible world of hatred. This is how it goes.

....We need to give rise to a new civilisation, but in order to achieve this no matter what, we need firstly to change our way of thinking to that of returning to the origin and uniting with the plan of god, forming one body.

I look upon this as an incredibly great mission for *Yokoshi from now on.
*Mahikari members
(Mahikari Australia Journal Vol.3 No.8 August 1985 p8-9)

This teaching from the Mahikari spiritual Master just about sums it up. If people accept it when Andris Tebecis says, 'The origin of the earth is one, the origin of the world is one and the origin of all the religions is one'. Then they are in step and following the supreme God, after all, Mahikari has all the answers at last.

Alternatively if people are critical of Mahikari and question Okada's sanity, then they must be possessed by the resentful spirits of those who died in wars between 'Atlantis' and 'Mu', or could even be possessed by Aliens from another planet.


Dojo - Magic and Exorcism in Modern Japan
Winston Davis 1992 edition ISBN 0-8047-1131-3

Wages of Guilt - Memories of War in Germany and Japan
Ian Buruma 1995 ISBN 0-09-947791-2

Spirit, Selves and Subjectivity in a Japanese New Religion.
Brian J. McVeigh 1997 ISBN 0-7734-8430-2

Mahikari Advanced Kenshu Reference Textbooks.1984,1989,1990,
Plus hand written notes of advanced Kenshu.

Mahikari Secondary Kenshu Reference Textbooks.1983,1989,
Plus hand written notes.

Mahikari Primary Kenshu Reference Textbooks.1979,1983,1989
Plus hand written notes.

The Canberra Times - July 18th 1999, Friday March 7 1997

The West Australian - Perth Saturday October 18 1997

Mahikari Australia Journals and Japanese Mahikari Magazines from the 1970's to 1990's

Mu (lost continent)

The Sunken Kingdom: The Atlantis Mystery Solved

Imperial Rescript on Education

Last Modified: 16 June 2010